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The Eating Place: A Short Story

Carnelian Lane was a dead end street. At the very end of the road, nestled among giant shade trees and a lovely fountain which sang its tune refreshingly, there was a very fine restaurant. As the phrase suggests, this dead end street was somewhat dead: not in the sense of…


Islam Image Quotes-IQ2: Sincerity

If I had to choose the one phrase out of all of Shaikh Husain's "oft-repeated phrases" that I hear the most, it could be this one. Such a simple statement – in theory - but in practice… Whatever you do, do it sincerely. ~Shaikh Husain Ash-Shadhili Doing sincerely is never…



Not long ago, it came up in conversation: “Saying that we have the 'Qur'an and sunnah’ is very vague. It is a cliché with no real-ity.” Because saying is saying. The quest of every soul who has been guided to the path of Islam, whether real-ized or not, is real-izing.…


Missed Opportunities: On My Becoming Muslim

Al hamdulillāh [i], when Allah led me to the wellspring of Islam, I recognized the sweetness of its cool, refreshing water. Al hamdulillāh after much time spent wandering the desert of my inner life, I didn’t think: “Well, maybe there is a deeper, clearer pool over there somewhere.” A dear,…