Be Present
You must be present to get the Present. -Shaikh Husain
Although these words are few, their meanings are vast.
The ritual prayer (salat) of Islam is a great practice for the presence of mind, body and heart. We practice being present our whole lives with the hope that even just once our salat is accepted by God (Allah). The angel Jibrail (Gabriel) himself taught us through the Prophet (saw) that goodness and perfection or excellence in worship (ihsan) is to “…worship Allah as though you see Him, and if you do not, know that, indeed, He sees you.”
(Found in Sahih Bukhari, book 2, hadith #47 and also book 60, hadith #300. Also found in: The 40 Hadith of An-Nawawi, hadith #2 and Sahih Muslim, book 1, hadiths 1, 4 and 6)
Is there something special that reminds you, helps you to be present – in your worship, your daily activities?