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Bunga Api Keduaan

Oleh Syaikh Husain Asy-Syadili Ad-Darqawi Shaikh Husain's original poem was written in Bahasa Indonesia, as you see here. If you would like to view an English version of this poem, you can find it here. Dari pengejawantahan Cinta ini, Tercetuslah sepasang bunga api keduaan, Menyalakan dua api daya-ciptaNya yang perkasa.…


QEG: Free Energy at Last

In Aouchtam, Morocco, villagers plant and harvest their crops by hand, walk with their donkeys for a full day’s journey to the nearest town for supplies and pull water from a well to fill plastic bottles and then haul them home. But on May 25, 2014, those Moroccan villagers  went…

Plastic Bottle Walls: First Time in Indonesia

First Time in Indonesia: Plastic Bottle Walls, Anyone? The Majlis Dhikr of the Happy Heart Foundation (Yayasan Majelis Dzikir Hati Senang) in Indonesia, intends to build its first zawiyah (center) from recycled plastic bottles in Parung-just south of Jakarta, the nation’s capital. In a country where time and energy are…