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The Eating Place: A Short Story

Carnelian Lane was a dead end street. At the very end of the road, nestled among giant shade trees and a lovely fountain which sang its tune refreshingly, there was a very fine restaurant. As the phrase suggests, this dead end street was somewhat dead: not in the sense of…



Not long ago, it came up in conversation: “Saying that we have the 'Qur'an and sunnah’ is very vague. It is a cliché with no real-ity.” Because saying is saying. The quest of every soul who has been guided to the path of Islam, whether real-ized or not, is real-izing.…


Missed Opportunities: On My Becoming Muslim

Al hamdulillāh [i], when Allah led me to the wellspring of Islam, I recognized the sweetness of its cool, refreshing water. Al hamdulillāh after much time spent wandering the desert of my inner life, I didn’t think: “Well, maybe there is a deeper, clearer pool over there somewhere.” A dear,…


Surviving the Global Warming of Islam

Naturally, the passage of time is the courier of change. But just as with the global warming of Islam, when change begins to eclipse Essence, it is time to attend to the damage being inflicted, to heed the warning symptoms of a process gone awry, and act… الْكَوْنُ كُلُّهُ ظُلْمَةٌ…


Islam: Change the World

Change the world? Sometimes looking around, witnessing the pain, the horror, I wish I could transform the world, have an impact, touch hearts. The Prophet (saw) teaches that Islam is up close and personal. What faces me is for me to know, for me to act. Whoever I touch will…