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Islam Image Quotes-IQ2: Sincerity

If I had to choose the one phrase out of all of Shaikh Husain's "oft-repeated phrases" that I hear the most, it could be this one. Such a simple statement – in theory - but in practice… Whatever you do, do it sincerely. ~Shaikh Husain Ash-Shadhili Doing sincerely is never…


Love Manifest: The Fireworks of Duality

By Shaikh Husain Ash-Shadili Ad-Darqawi Shaikh Husain’s original poem was written in Bahasa Indonesia. If you would like to view it, you can find it here. From His manifested love, A display of duality, Sparks, Two flames: Subjugation (qahar) and subtlety (latif): Constantly radiating, …And We have created everything in…


Bunga Api Keduaan

Oleh Syaikh Husain Asy-Syadili Ad-Darqawi Shaikh Husain's original poem was written in Bahasa Indonesia, as you see here. If you would like to view an English version of this poem, you can find it here. Dari pengejawantahan Cinta ini, Tercetuslah sepasang bunga api keduaan, Menyalakan dua api daya-ciptaNya yang perkasa.…


It is Easy for a Person

It is easy for a Person... "It is easy for a person to acknowledge: 'There is no god but Allah,' and to say it. What is difficult is to say: '...and Muhammad (pbuh) is His prophet,' and to acknowledge it with obedience." -Shaikh Husain That which is easy to acknowledge…

Rights: I Owe yoU?

Rights: Do I Owe You or Do You Owe Me? One thing I’ve noticed: many of the young people who grew up living Islam close to the shaikh seem wise beyond their years. One afternoon, on the way to the gypsy wagon, I encountered Hayder-a young man who later studied,…